
According to Decision no. 604, dated 14.9.2022, the minimum wage from ALL 32,000 currently becomes ALL 34,000. This salary is valid for 174 working hours per month. Since the minimum wage was increased, the maximum wage will also change due to the effect of social contributions. Now, the maximum wage will have the same increase…

Albanian government increased the minimum salary. Starting from April 2022, the basic minimum monthly salary at the national level for employees, mandatory to be applied by any legal or natural person, local or foreign, is 32,000 ALL. The gross monthly salary, for the purpose of calculating the social security contributions, for the employed persons, for…

American citizens have the right to enter and stay without a residence permit in the Republic of Albania for a period of up to one year. These citizens can re-enter and stay without a residence permit in the Republic of Albania for a new term of up to one year, if they have stayed outside…

Beneficial owner, are deadlines an penalties changed. On March 1, the law No. 6/2022 “On some changes and additions to the law no. 112/2020 “On the Register of Beneficial Owners” which has brought some very important changes regarding the registration of beneficial owners, deadlines and penalties. Novelty If previously the deadline for the registration of…

The national electronic register on foreigners is now approved by the Albanian Government. Pursuant to law no. 79/2021 “On foreigners” The state authorities responsible for the treatment of foreigners have the right to collect and administer data on foreigners in order to make them available to the judiciary, national security authorities, refugee authorities and regional…

Easier procedures to obtain a residence permit?! Recently, law no. 79/2021 “On foreigners” is approved. Consequently, law no. 108/2013, in other words the old law, has been repealed. The new law, in theory, has brought a series of innovations that consist mainly in changing the format of the residence permit and also some conditions of…

Recently, the law that has changed is the one on Industrial Property, now makng part of it even the trade secret. Approval of law no. 96 date 07.07.2021 brought some innovations in order to strengthen the protection of industrial property objects. Below we inform you of the innovations that the update of this law has…

Cryptocurrencies are a new type of currency that was created in 2009. They originate in a digital format and are generated in electronic form. Transactions of these currencies are made without banks. There are no transaction fees and you can buy practically anything with them, just like you do with traditional money (fiat). Payments using…

VAT Refund

  • July 23, 2021
  • News

Exporters have the right to request a VAT refund when their surplus exceeds the amount of 400,000 ALL. This is the regulation made by Law No. 92/2014 “On value added tax in the Republic of Albania”. Finally, DCM no. 418, dated 08.07.2021 has brought some changes in Decision no. 953, dated 29.12.2014, which provides the…