
Easier procedures to obtain a residence permit?! Recently, law no. 79/2021 “On foreigners” is approved. Consequently, law no. 108/2013, in other words the old law, has been repealed. The new law, in theory, has brought a series of innovations that consist mainly in changing the format of the residence permit and also some conditions of…

Vision Consulting Albania is delighted to provide some useful details for any foreigner or expat in Albania regarding visa, work permit, residence permit information. Based on your nationality you may or may not be required to obtain a visa prior to entering in our country. You can check the visa regime which Albania applies with…

1. Introducing Albania Albania is located in the heart of the Mediterranean and near the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas. Situated between Greece, Macedonia, and Montenegro in land borders and Italy crossing the Adriatic Sea, Albania remains a very important gate of entry for the Balkans and Eastern Europe. It still is an…