
Albanian government increased the minimum salary. Starting from April 2022, the basic minimum monthly salary at the national level for employees, mandatory to be applied by any legal or natural person, local or foreign, is 32,000 ALL. The gross monthly salary, for the purpose of calculating the social security contributions, for the employed persons, for…

American citizens have the right to enter and stay without a residence permit in the Republic of Albania for a period of up to one year. These citizens can re-enter and stay without a residence permit in the Republic of Albania for a new term of up to one year, if they have stayed outside…

Beneficial owner, are deadlines an penalties changed. On March 1, the law No. 6/2022 “On some changes and additions to the law no. 112/2020 “On the Register of Beneficial Owners” which has brought some very important changes regarding the registration of beneficial owners, deadlines and penalties. Novelty If previously the deadline for the registration of…