E-albania, all government services online.
As part of the responsibilities undertaken by the Republic of Albania under the “candidate for EU member state” status, the digitalization of the public services has been one of the top 5 priorities of the government. Steps have been taken for this purpose, by adopting a comprehensive legal framework since2008 and after such as:
Law no. 9880, dated 25.02.2008 “On electronic signature”
Law no. 9918, dated 19.05.2008 “On electronic communication in the Republic of Albania”
Law no. 10273, dated 29.04.2010 “On electronic document”
Law no. 131/2015 “On National Business Centre”
Law no. 13, dated 18.02.2016 “On the manner of providing public services at the counter in the Republic of Albania”
The aim of the digitalization package which was summarized in the Digital Agenda of 2015-2020 approved by the Government, was to facilitate the access of the public to the administrative/governmental sector by creating the possibility to use and benefit of such services through an online platform. The National Business Centre or the NBC has played a crucial role in this aspect, being the first institution in Albania to offer a wide range of services in one place, serving as “a one-stop-shop” entity.
The National Business Centre was created in 2015 as a merge of 2 former institutions: the National Registration Centre and the National Licensing Centre (both existing since 2008), with assistance offered in counters for the public.
This article provides an overview related to the latest reforms of the Albanian government for the digitalization of the public services sector. For this purpose, the article analyses the applicable legal framework and practice.
For more information, follow link: https://www.academia.edu/42084523/Governmental_services_in_Albania_-just_a_click_away_myth_or_fact
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