
Rritet paga minimale per punemarresit. Duke filluar nga periudha Prill 2022, paga bazë minimale mujore në shkallë vendi për punonjësit, e detyrueshme për t’u zbatuar nga çdo person juridik apo fizik, vendas apo i huaj, është 32,000 lekë. Paga bruto mujore, për efekt të llogaritjes së kontributeve të sigurimeve shoqërore, për personat e punësuar, për personat e…

Conversione della patente di guida   Un accordo approvato tra il Consiglio dei Ministri della REPUBBLICA D’ALBANIA e il Governo della REPUBBLICA D’ITALIA ha come scopo principale il mutuo riconoscimento ai fini della conversione delle patenti di guida permanenti rilasciate dalle autorità competenti alle rispettive autorità competenti dirigenti che prendono la residenza nel loro territorio….

Obligated entities to submit the Individual Annual Income Statement The General Directorate of Taxes has recently brought to attention a very important obligation for individuals in the Republic of Albania who have relatively high incomes. They must submit an individual statement of annual income. The persons who have the obligation to submit this statement are:…

Beneficiary Owner, anti money laundering law now approved. Vision Consulting Albania is delighted to introduce you with some of the main changes brought by the new law on beneficiary owners registration, law no.112/2020. Who can be a beneficiary owner and what is the purpose of the register of beneficiary owners? The beneficiary owner is: The…


  • Marzo 11, 2020
  • News

1. Introducing Albania Albania is located in the heart of the Mediterranean and near the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas. Situated between Greece, Macedonia, and Montenegro in land borders and Italy crossing the Adriatic Sea, Albania remains a very important gate of entry for the Balkans and Eastern Europe. It still is an…

READ OUR LATEST ARTICLE ON PUBLIC SERVICES IN ALBANIA! Our Partner Melisa Panariti  has published an article with subject “Electronic reform in Albania”. This article provides an overview related to the latest reforms of the Albanian government for the digitalization of the public services sector. For this purpose, the article analyses the applicable legal framework…