automobile accidents, why do you need a layer

According to statistical data from INSTAT, automobile accidents are in quite alarming numbers. The reasons for this are different and depend on various factors whether natural but also human errors or inadequate infrastructure.

Normally, being involved in a car accident brings serious consequences for the parties involved, where among the main ones are:

  • material damage,
  • health damage
  • immaterial damages or in other words moral and existential damages.

Therefore, law No. 10076 dated 12.02.2009 “On compulsory insurance in the transport sector” has defined in an orderly manner the obligation of the owner of the motor vehicle before its use to enter into an insurance contract and to ensure its renewal as long as the means of transport will remain in circulation. So, anyone involved in a car accident has the right to compensation for any damage suffered mentioned above.

Why do you need a lawyer?

automobile accident

In most cases the victims of the accident are passengers, passers-by, heirs or relatives of the injured, who are not aware that they can receive compensation. Also, the injured parties, not having the necessary legal knowledge, do not know that in addition to property damage and physical damage, there is also moral damage or other non-property damage related to the violation of quality of life before the accident and post-traumatic stress.

Moreover, insurance companies are predisposed to delay the claim for compensation by exceeding the time limit sanctioned by law, from where the injured or family members occurring in difficult psychological or physical conditions but also having the burden of damage, suffering and high health expenditures get tired of these procrastinations and give up their legitimate rights to benefit from what the law guarantees them.

Therefore, the presence of a lawyer is a relief in this regard, as we take on the responsibility of protecting legitimate rights before all institutions, insurance companies and at all levels of trial.

All legal documentation is withdrawn and completed by our lawyers in all public and private institutions as well as every public and private institution until the end of the procedure and the relevant award of compensation.

Vision Consulting Albania is a specialized office in order to get the maximum compensation from insurance companies, in every car accident.

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